America Can Deliver on Energy
There’s no way around it – the world runs on oil and natural gas. And as the population continues to rise, the world is going to continue to need more energy – not less.
American’s energy producers are ready to deliver, but radical policies coming out of D.C. cut them at the knees at every turn. We can’t let that happen.
Natural gas and oil are projected to provide nearly half of the world’s energy by 2050. It’s time Washington implemented policies that encourage U.S. energy investment and support a strong, secure energy future.
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Keeping U.S. Production Strong
There isn’t much most Americans can agree on these days, but domestic energy production is one of them. A recent Morning Consult poll found that 9 in 10 voters believe it’s important to produce oil and natural gas here in the U.S. and that doing so strengthens our economy.
Not only does producing oil and natural gas here provide jobs and economic growth, but it also plays a critical part in our national security. It strengthens global energy markets and helps us support our allies instead of leaving them at the mercy of Russia, China, or Iran for their energy.
A strong, resilient energy industry is at the heart of American excellence. Increasing production for the future requires smart policy decisions today to help support new investment.
American producers are ready to meet the challenge. But that requires bold leadership from Washington and the Biden Administration.
Four policies/actions to help keep American production strong in the future:
1. Increase access to energy resources
The decisions we make today will impact our energy security tomorrow. Counting pre-leasing research and evaluation, leasing, exploration and development, oil and natural gas production can take 10 or more years to come online.
This is how the Biden Administration can brag about near-record levels of energy production while advancing policies that cut our American energy potential.
With about a quarter of total U.S. oil production and 11% of total U.S. natural gas production occurring on federal lands and waters, the restrictions that the Biden Administration puts into place today will hurt us long after the Administration has left office.
That is why we need smart policies now so we can go into the next decade energy secure.
2. Support infrastructure with additional permitting reforms
The permitting system for vital American infrastructure projects like pipelines, natural gas terminals and other facilities is broken. There is no excuse for months and even years of unnecessary delay which forces us to rely on outdated, inefficient technology.
While there was some progress in the bipartisan debt-ceiling deal earlier this year, much more reform is needed.
Specifically, we need to modernize the National Environmental Policy Act, under which environmental impact analyses have averaged 4.5 years in duration and more than 600 pages in length. Reforms are needed to fix broken processes without respect to different kinds of infrastructure so that the marketplace picks winners instead of Washington.
3. Pick the best ways to reduce methane emissions
While we support federal regulation of methane, the EPA’s proposed rule misses the mark – ignoring the work oil and natural gas companies have already done through initiatives such as The Environmental Partnership.
Instead, the hard work, skill, and innovation of industry minds is pushed aside in favor of politicized solutions. The Biden Administration and even chose not to invite industry representatives to take part in its recent “methane summit.”
4. Washington should refrain from a regulatory bottleneck on energy growth
Our energy future is too important to leave on the political chopping block. The industry wants to work with Washington to come up with solutions. But those solutions cannot be ones that make it too burdensome, inefficient, or expensive to make energy here in America.
We need smart policy – that means cutting through duplicative, cumbersome red tape that binds things up for months and years, generates uncertainty and stifles investment.
Strong energy production here in America is essential to our way of life – today and tomorrow.