Stand Behind American Oil and Natural Gas – Oppose Energy Mandates!
State, local, and federal governments all over the country believe they should have the final say when it comes to what kinds of energy you and your family can use – and we’re tired of it.
Instead of developing new and innovative solutions to meet the market’s needs, politicians pick winners and losers through government policy, not supply and demand.
ACT NOW! Sign our supporter list today to oppose energy mandates and stand behind American oil and natural gas.
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As you’re reading this, a number of proposals at all levels of government are trying to restrict:
- what heating system you can use
- what type of car you can buy
- what types of appliances you can use in your home
The worst thing is many of these politicians, especially on the state and local level, will be long gone by the time the impacts of these policies and the challenges of implementation come to roost – leaving us holding the bag.
With steady inflation and energy demand continually on the rise, the last thing Americans need is to limit our energy options.
Efficient, reliable, and affordable oil and natural gas can play a key role in powering our energy future. But that can only be the case if oil and natural gas is allowed to compete on a level playing field with other technologies.
Sign our supporter list to stay up to date on all things energy mandates.